Seeing the rampant crime, suicide and increasing migration rates in our dear Guyana, my main life goal then became: securing a better world for our children. Having worked for many years with disadvantaged children and youth, I started the process of fostering a five year old in need two and a half years ago in an effort to directly impact one life at a time.

After spending seven years in the UK, I returned to Guyana in 2013 after realizing that we all have to do our part. I didn’t want to just talk about transforming Guyana, I wanted to put my ideas and energies into action so that they could bear fruit. It was then the idea of Live ProActive was born (

My team and I hope to encourage as many people in Guyana to embrace healthier lifestyle practices. In addition to being a Senior Accountant / Corporate Secretary and Entrepreneur, I am also a Beekeeper and Poet.

Live ProActive is a catalyst organisation for transformation and empowerment through facilitating holistic, healthy lifestyle changes. We specialize in effective training, mentoring and various change management sessions in all areas of wellness to the benefit of individuals, organizations and communities.

How did you arrive at the idea for your business?

Remembering the birth of Live ProActive

My first business idea was born after returning from the prestigious “Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy” conference in Caux Switzerland (Aug-2010). I was a volunteer at MySI (My Social Innovation) in the UK and my goal was to assist other youths in fulfill their purpose by setting up and sustaining their own social projects. This concept was awarded the first runner up prize for the Bristol’s Young Business Leader’s Award in April 2011. After returning to Guyana, I realized I needed to tailor my goal to suit the socio-economic climate in Guyana. It needed to incorporate a solution for the root cause of most of the social challenges. The idea of a holistic approach to wellness was born and Live ProActive was created to execute this.

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Knowing that I was working towards reaching my potential and leaving a social foot print that would continue to impact generations to come was my biggest motivation to be proactive and get started on making my dream a reality.

What is your greatest challenge being an entrepreneur?

My greatest challenge being an entrepreneur would be maintaining work-life balance. This requires being present mentally, emotionally, socially, financially and physically for the best moments of life with family and friends while still being able to work on achieving your dreams. Knowing what to hold on to and what I should let go of to achieve this balance is always a challenge.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

My most satisfying moment was when I paused to take it all in at the launch of Live ProActive. That moment in time allowed me to connect the past, present and future. I was able to use the experience of the past, with the tools available in the present, to build for the future.

What piece of advice would you give to other young people who want to become entrepreneurs?

Take time to think about the foot print you would like to leave on this earth. Leaving a footprint in this world is inevitable but where we leave it is our choice. Some foot prints are left in the sand where they are wiped way by the faintest breeze and some leave them in cement to be admired for years to come. Take time to think about your motive and motivation.

What impact would you like to make in the lives of many? How you can find the determination and self-control to sustain it? Always remember to follow up your vision with action, like our foot print, change is inevitable but growth is a choice. Focus on the simple meaningful things; they make up the cement for our footprints.

How do you define success?

Success means fulfilment of my purpose, enabling and empowering the members of my family and those whom I’m able to reach via Live Proactive and my life’s work.

Who has been your greatest inspiration?

My greatest inspiration is my mother, she lives to help others. Having raised two non-biological children in addition to us and helped hundreds through her work at the Children’s Centre she manages while still having a full time job. She motivates me to be the best I can be. I learnt humility, the true meaning of forgiveness, strength of character and courage from her. Because of her, I now understand the added value of a simple, meaningful life.

In Action

lead with purpose!

lead with purpose!