I never have a complete answer to the question of who I am, except to say that I am a work in progress. I believe in continuous growth and learning, discovering new passions along life’s way and diversifying one’s experiences. As a result, I currently wear multiple hats: Forensic Scientist – Senior Analyst at the Guyana Forensic Science Laboratory; Entrepreneur – CEO of Curl Fete Natural Hair and Beauty Expo; Media Personality – Radio Announcer, Brand Rep and MC; foodie and soon to be wife and mother.

Forensic Science is essentially the application of scientific techniques and principles to crime solving, making my primary career a combination of laboratory management, examining evidence and presenting testimony in court. I also have the privilege of training other members of the judiciary and offering advice to investigators.

Being involved in crime solving has given me a greater awareness of discrepancies in justice, both in the criminal and social arenas, and a greater drive to rectify them. I believe I have learnt to apply that mentality of equality and fairness to advocating for women and girls through entrepreneurship with Curl Fete and my radio show, For the Record. My name is Tamika Henry, I’m 31 with wild curly hair and I hate being labelled any one thing.