Economic Relief Initiative
Economic Relief Initiative
Charity Campaigns. Sponsorship Programs.
Target those who are unable to access opportunities and can’t earn a decent living to provide for their families. Inject economic relief to protect families from certain economic details. Protecting children from economic details can make a positive difference in their confidence and self-esteem.
Empowerment Initiative
Empowerment Initiative
Encourage passions. Collaboration. Role models. Mentorship. Target families who lack the skills to really engage, earn, and capitalize on opportunities.
Capitalize on Brand YOUth’s entrepreneurial prowess to create benefactors out of beneficiaries. Create opportunities through community-level entrepreneurial endeavors.
Brand YOUth Academy
Brand YOUth Academy
Education. Entrepreneurship. Work Study. Coaching. Apprenticeship.
Elevate mindsets by preparing young people for the job market, to be better citizens and leaders in their communities, and to become purpose-driven entrepreneurs.